IBM End-of-Service-Life Dates

EOSL is the final phase of a piece of equipment’s lifecycle in the OEM’s book. When IBM announces hardware EOSL, it means they are no longer selling this hardware and no longer providing maintenance support, which will put your IT budget in a challenging position. But instead of running back to IBM and spending a great deal of your IT budget on the upgrade, you can turn to a trusted third-party maintenance provider.

Smart 3rd Party delivers support, professional guidance, and repair services to help maintain your IBM hardware in perfect working condition long after IBM declares EOSL. By working with Smart 3rdParty, you gain the flexibility required to make upgrades on your own schedule, not when IBM thinks you should. It is easy to lose track or forget of IBM EOSL dates. This is where Smart 3rd Party comes in. We keep track of all the latest End of Service Life dates (listed below). Therefore, if you are facing IBM EOSL conditions, do not be afraid. Fill out the contact us form and we will help you figure it out.

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